2023 AGU Fall Meeting
2023 AGU Fall Meeting 저녁 식사
Dinner after 2023 AGU Fall Meeting
2023 김세현 박사님 연세대 세미나
Dr. SeHyun Kim at the seminar in Yonsei Univ.
2023 김세현 박사님 연세대 세미나
Dr. SeHyun Kim at the seminar in Yonsei Univ.
2023 가을기상학회
2023 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2023 가을기상학회 김대휘 우수학위논문상 수상
Dr. Dae-Hui Kim received the excellent PhD thesis award at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2023 가을기상학회 서민경 우수논문발표상 수상
Min-Gyung Seo reveiced the best poster award at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2023 가을기상학회 조윤재 포스터 발표
Yunjae Cho at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the
Korea Meteorological Society
2023 가을기상학회 서민경 포스터 발표
Min-Gyung Seo at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2023 가을기상학회 김대휘 발표
Dae-Hui Kim at the 2023 Fall Meeting of the
Korea Meteorological Society
2023 김성민 박사님 연세대 세미나
Dr. Sung-Min Kim at the seminar in Yonsei Univ.
2023 김성민 박사님 연세대 세미나
Dr. Sung-Min Kim at the seminar in Yonsei Univ.
김대휘 박사 졸업
Graduation of Dr. Dae-Hui Kim
2023 계준경 박사님 연세대 세미나
Dr. Jun-Kyung Kay at the seminar in Yonsei Univ.
2022 AGU Fall Meeting 시카고 피자 맛집
Dinner after 2022 AGU Fall Meeting
2022 AGU Fall Meeting
서민경 석사 졸업
Graduation of Min-Gyung Seo
양은경 박사 졸업
Graduation of Dr. Eun-Gyeong Yang
2019 AGU Fall Meeting 교수님 추천 맛집
Dinner after 2019 AGU Fall Meeting
조민광 석사 졸업
Graduation of Min Kwang Cho
2019 가을기상학회
2019 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2018 가을기상학회
2018 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2018 가을기상학회
2018 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
김세현 박사 졸업
Graduation of Dr. SeHyun Kim
온누리 석사 졸업
Graduation of Nu-Ri On
나카자와 테츠오 박사님과 함께
Visit of Dr. Tetsuo Nakazawa in the winter of 2016
Dinner for Dr. JinWoong Kim before leaving for Canada
2016 가을기상학회
2016 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2016 가을기상학회
2016 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2016 가을기상학회 경품 많이 받았다
2016 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2015 가을기상학회
2015 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
김현정 석사 졸업
Graduation of Hyun-Jung Kim
2015 가을기상학회 김진웅우수학위논문상 수상
Dr. JinWoong Kim received the excellent PhD thesis award at the 2015 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2015 가을기상학회 온누리누리누리 포스터발표
Nu-Ri On at the 2015 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
김명환 석사 졸업
Graduation of Myunghwan Kim
2013 1st UM FSO Workshop
박세영 박사 졸업
Graduation of Dr. Sei-Young Park
정병주 박사 졸업
Graduation of Dr. Byoung-Joo Jung
A summer excursion to Gapyeong
Lab members at the 2011 AOGS
Lab members at the 2011 WRF Workshop in Busan
Lab members after conference
이쁜 세현 세영
Dr. SeHyun Kim and Dr. Sei-Young Park
WRF presentation 정병주
Dr. Byoung-Joo Jung at the WRF Workshop
WRF presentation 김진웅
Dr. JinWoong Kim at the WRF Workshop
초롱초롱한 준경
Dr. Jun-Kyung Kay
복까스 진웅
Dr. JinWoong Kim
복불고기 준경, 성민
Dr. Jun-Kyung Kay and Dr. Sung-Min Kim
2011년 봄기상학회
Dr, SeHyun Kim and Dr. Eun-Gyeong Yang at the 2011 Spring Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2011년 봄기상학회
2011 Spring Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2010년 가을기상학회 김진웅 포스터발표
Dr. JinWoong Kim at the 2010 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2010년 가을기상학회 김세현 포스터발표
Dr, SeHyun Kim at the 2010 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
2008년 AGU Fall Meeting
Graduate students and Professors at the 2008 AGU Fall Meeting
2008년 AGU Fall Meeting
Dr. Byoung-Joo Jung at the 2008 AGU Fall Meeting
2008년 가을기상학회
Dr. Sung-Min Kim at the 2008 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society
Jazz Bar
Dr. Jun-Kyung Kay and Dr. Sung-Min Kim with Prof. Michael Morgan
Visit of Prof. Michael Morgan in the summer of 2007
2006년 가을기상학회
Dr. Byoung-Joo Jung and Dr. Jun-Kyung Kay at the 2006 Fall Meeting of the Korea Meteorological Society